Hadrian's Wall Jubilee Beacon
Green Croft Arts worked with other businesses and volunteers in Gilsland Village to create an exciting programme of arts, culture and entertainment to celebrate the unique occasion of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee of which included the Hadrian's Wall Beacons lit along the length of the world heritage site.
Workshops For Hadrian’s Wall Platinum Jubilee Beacon Event
Monday 23rd May 6:00 - 8.00pm - Lantern Making at Gilsland Youth Club, Gilsland Village Hall. Suitable for children aged 7 upwards
Saturday 28th May 10:00am - 12:00pm - Song For The Commonwealth. Singer and Choir Leader, Lindsay Hannon will teach Song For The Commonwealth which will be sung at the Beacon Lighting Ceremony.
Saturday 28th May 12:00pm - 2:00pm - Lantern Making. Make a lantern with Green Croft Arts for the community lantern parade or pick up a lantern pack to make at home.
Gilsland CofE Primary School. Lantern Making (led by Amanda Drago) and Song For The Commonwealth(Lindsay Hannon) workshops for children at Gilsland CofE Primary School.
Thursday 02 June 2022
Hadrian’s Wall Beacon Event at Gilsland Village Hall & Willowford Farm
7:00 - 9:00pm Swing Dance Taster Session and swing dance band, The House Of The Black Gardenia. Vintage Swing Dance Band featuring Kit Haigh from Green Croft Arts. House of the Black Gardenia brings together the new generation of Newcastle's jazz, blues and swing scene for a raucous revival of old-fashioned good times.
9:00 - 9:30pm Community Lantern Parade. Follow the band New Orlean’s Style from Gilsland Village Hall, up to Willowford Farm.
9:35pm Bagpiper, Allen Clement plays Diu Regnare
Allen is a prize winning solo piper who has played with various pipe bands over the years, including The Vale of Atholl and Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary bands. Allen’s cousin, Stuart Liddell, composed Diu Regnare as a tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee, June 2022.
9:40pm Lara Hopper - Trumpet Majesty
9:50pm Song Of The Commonwealth led by Lindsay Hannon
9:45pm Light beacon / brazier (made by DNV Spadeadam). Beacon lit by the oldest & youngest members of the community. Alfie Barwick and Ivan Riddell
10:00pm Fireworks
Saturday 4th June 2022
1.00 - 4.00pm The Big Afternoon Tea Street Party at Gilsland CofE Primary School
Come and get to know neighbours a bit better. Bring a cake, biscuits or sandwiches to share. Join in with family friendly fun, games, arts and crafts activities. Story telling with Sarah Glover and puppet show Puppet Zoo from Puppetuity.
7.00 - 11.00pm - Old Skool Disco at Gilsland Village Hall
Expect smoke machines, strobes and music from the 50's, 60’s, 70’ all the way up to the present day.
The Creative Team
Thank you to all the contributors
An amazing evening! Thank you for pulling it together.
Nic Redman, Chair PTA, Gilsland COfE School.
Proud as punch to have played at this local event, in honour of the Platinum Jubilee, accompanied by my daughter on the tenor drum.
Allen Clement, Bagpiper
Great dancing & I had a such good night watching the parade.
Yvonne Close, Resident
81 people participated in 3 lantern making workshops and we gave out 24 lantern packs for people to make at home. 10 community members and 26 school children learned the Song For The Commonwealth. 90 people watched the band and another 350 people joined us for Lantern Parade. Around 70 people attended the Street Party. We had support from over 20 volunteers.
Thank You
Gilsland Platinum Jubilee Celebrations were financially supported by Arts Council England's Let's Create Jubilee fund distributed by Tyne and Wear Community Foundation, Northumberland County Council's Platinum Jubilee Fund, Thirlwall & Upper Denton Parish Councils and Haltwhistle Town Council.